September 18, 2017
ESI/CI Artificial Intelligence Workshop

ESI hosted a two-day workshop on applications of artificial intelligence for novel conservation tools.

September 9, 2017
Setting Boundaries: A Framework for Preserving Earth’s Resilience

A lecture by Johan Rockström, Executive Director of the Stockholm Resilience Center and Professor of Environmental Science at Stockholm University.

September 1, 2017
Letter from the Director: September 2017

John Fernández previews ESI's headline People & the Planet lectures for the new academic year.

August 17, 2017
For food-waste recycling, policy is key

ESI seed grant recipients Lily Baum Pollans and Eran Ben-Joseph published a study on food scrap recycling programs in the U.S.

August 14, 2017
Envisioning the future of metal and mineral production

MIT researchers team up with leaders from the metals and minerals industry to envision a more sustainable future.

August 1, 2017
How ESI plans its Earth Day events

Asana spoke to ESI's Hannah Loomis about her planning process for the Initiative's interconnected Earth Day events.

August 1, 2017
Hackathon for Climate 2017

ESI and Conservation International joined forces at the Hackathon for Climate to create new digital solutions that reduce emissions or improve climate resilience.

August 1, 2017
A tax plan to stop climate change

MIT News covers ESI's Spring 2017 People and the Planet lecture series talk by Bob Inglis and his tax plan to stop climate change.

August 1, 2017
The effects of huge, undersea waves run deep

ESI seed grant recipient Pierre Lermusiaux is studying the effects of deep sea waves on oceanic infrastructure.

August 1, 2017
A long way to go

ESI Director John Fernández writes to MIT Tech Review about the relationship between biology and geology.

June 12, 2017
Peatlands, already dwindling, could face further losses

ESI seed grant recipient Charles Harvey has been studying one of the world's last undisturbed tropical peat forests on the island of Borneo.

April 1, 2017
Letter from the Director: April 2017

John Fernández celebrates three years of accomplishments at ESI and notes how much work is still to come.

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